The Suffolk Democratic Committee, as part of the Democratic Party of Virginia, is committed to promoting Democratic leaders of character, integrity, ability and vision, who will deliver positive results for Virginians

The Suffolk Democratic Committee assists Democratic candidates by canvassing, holding events, posting on social media, and providing financial support

We do most of our work through our committees

Membership Committee

Recruits qualified persons to serve on the SDC
Recommends eligible members to be admitted

Outreach Committee

Coordinates phone banking and face-to-face canvassing
Encourages voter participation
Informs members of Democratic objectives and current events at all levels of government

Event Planning and Fundraising Committee

Conducts fundraising events
Identifies and develops funding sources and maintains relationships with sponsors
Works with the treasurer to develop fundraising reports

Elections Committee

Maintains the precinct and borough organization of the committee
Coordinates participation of poll workers and volunteers at polling locations

Media and Public Relations Committee

Advertises and promotes committee events
Keeps the public informed about current events and the values and accomplishments of Democrats

Finance Committee

Provides financial oversight for the SDC
Ensures SDC assets are protected
Creates and keeps financial records

Technology Committee

Provides information and guidance to the committee about use of technology
Manages accounts and use of the Votebuilder database system and third party systems including social media and canvassing tools