General Principals

The Suffolk Democratic Committee exists to facilitate and encourage the full participation of all citizens of Suffolk, Virginia in choosing their elected officials and controlling their political destiny. SDC endorses the principles contained in the Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States of America, and the Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan. The SDC is always bound by the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and is dedicated to representing the Democratic Party in the City of Suffolk.


The Suffolk Democratic Committee is the representative leadership body of the Democratic Party in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, and is organized for the following purposes:

(a) To support the tenants of the Democratic Party of Virginia’s official Party Plan.

(b) To do all within its power to aid in the victory of the Democratic Party’s nominee in all elections.

(c) To promote the growth and success of the Democratic Party at the local, state, and national levels.

(d) To promote efforts to register all qualified Democratic voters in the City of Suffolk, and to encourage such voters to participate in the political process.

(e) To promote harmonious relationships among all members of the Committee and to cooperate wholeheartedly with local, state, and national Democratic Committees.

(f) To participate in the delegate selection process and in all Democratic Party organizations at all levels, with particular concern for young people, women, and all minority groups.

(g) To work to cultivate young Democratic leaders and encourage competent members of the Democratic Party to offer themselves for elective office.

(h) Such other legal purposes that may, from time to time, be determined by the members of the SDC.